

level: 2020, CCF_A CVPR author: Yang You, Shanghai Jiao Tong University date: 2020 keyword:

  • 3D keypoint

You, Y., Lou, Y., Li, C., Cheng, Z., Li, L., Ma, L., … & Wang, W. (2020). KeypointNet: A Large-scale 3D Keypoint Dataset Aggregated from Numerous Human Annotations. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 13647-13656).

Paper: KeypointNet


  1. present keypointnet, the first large-scale and diverse 3D keypoint dataset that contains 103450 keypoints and 8234 3D models from 16 object categrories;
  2. propose a novel methods to aggregate these keypoints automatically through minimization of a fidelity loss;
  3. propose two large-scale keypoint prediction tasks: keypoint saliency estimation, and keypoint correspondence estimation; and experiment including point cloud, graph, voxel and local geometry based keypoint detection.
  4. In order to generate ground-truth keypoints from raw human annotations where identification of their modes are non-trivial

Research Objective

  • Application Area: object matching, object tracking, shape retrieval, registration, pose estimation, matching, segmentation; which is invariant to rotations, scales and other transformations;
  • Purpose:

Proble Statement

  • few 3D datasets focusing on the keypoint representation of an object;
  • different people may annotate different keypoints which need to identify the consensus and patterns;
  • predefined distance threshold fail to identify closely spaced keypoints;


previous work:

  • Detection of keypoints:
    • traditional methods: 3D Harris, HKS, Salient Points, Mesh Saliency etc extract geometric features as local descriptors, but only consider the local geometric information without semantic knowledge.
    • DNN methods: SyncSpecCNN don’t handle rotations well.
  • Keypoint Datasets:
    • Keypoints for human skeletons: MPII human pose dataset, MSCOCO keypoint challenge, PoseTrack;
    • Animals: PUB provides 15 part locations on 11788 images from 200 bird categories
    • 3D objects: https://lddpicture.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/picture/image-20201021093151042.png


  • Problem Formulation:

given a valid annotation from c-th person, the keypoint set is:image-20201021093552067


  • system overview:


【Dataset Visualization】


Keypoint Saliency】 assume that the each annotation is allowed to be erroneous within small region. $\Phi$ is the Gaussian kernel, and $Z$ is the normalization function;


Ground Truth Keypoint Generation】







Notes 去加强了解
