
Connectionist Temporal Classification, an algorithm used to train deep neural networks in speech recognition, handwriting recognition and other sequence problems.


1. Problem

  • don’t know the characters in the transcript align to the audio when having a dataset of audio clips and corresponding transcripts.
  • people’s rates of speech vary.
  • hand-align takes lots of time.
  • Speech recognition, handwriting recognition from images, sequences of pen strokes, action labeling in videos.

2. Question Define

when mapping input sequences $X = [x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_T]$,, such as audio, to corresponding output sequences $Y = [y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_U]$, such as transcripts. We want to find an accurate mapping from $X’s$ to $Y’s$.

  • Both $X$ and $Y$ can vary in length.
  • The ratio of the lengths of $X$ and $Y$ can vary.
  • we don’t have an accurate alignment(correspondence of the elements) of $X$ and $Y$.

The CTC algorithm, for a given $X$ it gives us an output distribution over all possible $Y’s$, we can use this distribution either to infer a likely output or to assess the probability of a given output.

  • Loss Function: maximize the probability it assigns to the right answer, compute the conditional probability $p(Y|X)$;
  • Inference: infer a likely $Y$ given an $X$, $Y^*=argmaxp(Y|X)$;

3. Alignment


  • Often, it doesn’t make sense to force every input step to align to some output. In speech recognition, for example, the input can have stretches of silence with no corresponding output.
  • We have no way to produce outputs with multiple characters in a row. Consider the alignment [h, h, e, l, l, l, o]. Collapsing repeats will produce “helo” instead of “hello”.


  • the allowed alignments between $X$ and $Y$ are monotonic
  • the alignment of $X$ to $Y$ is many-to-one.
  • the length of $Y$ cannot be greater than the length of $X$.

4. Searching Methods



https://lddpicture.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/picture/image-20200712123934369.png $$ Z=[ϵ, y_1, ϵ, y_2, …, ϵ, y_U, ϵ]​ $$

  • Case 1: can’t jump over $z_{s-1}$, the previous token in $Z$.



  • Case 2: allowed to skip the previous token in $Z$.




  • Loss Function: for a training set D, the model’s parameters are tuned to minimize the negative log-likelihood instead of maximizing the likelihood directly.

$$ \sum_{(X,Y)\epsilon D}-logP(Y|X) $$

  • Inference: (3) don’t take into account the fact that a single output can have many alignments.

$$ Y^=argmax_Yp(Y|X)\ A^=argmax_A\prod_{t=1}^Tp_t(a_t|X) $$



5. Properties of CTC

  • Conditional Independence


  • Alignment Properties

CTC only allows monotonic alignments. In problems such as speech recognition this may be a valid assumption. For other problems like machine translation where a future word in a target sentence can align to an earlier part of the source sentence, this assumption is a deal-breaker.

6. Usage

  • Baidu Research has open-sourced warp-ctc. The package is written in C++ and CUDA. The CTC loss function runs on either the CPU or the GPU. Bindings are available for Torch, TensorFlow and PyTorch.
  • TensorFlow has built in CTC loss and CTC beam search functions for the CPU.
  • Nvidia also provides a GPU implementation of CTC in cuDNN versions 7 and up.

to normalize the $\alpha$’s at each time-step to deal with CTC loss numerically unstable problem.

A common question when using a beam search decoder is the size of the beam to use. There is a trade-off between accuracy and runtime.

