

Dai J, Qi H, Xiong Y, et al. Deformable convolutional networks[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2017: 764-773. [code 3.6k]

Paper: Deformable Conv


  1. introduce two new modules to enhance the transformation modeling capability of CNNS, deformable convolution and deformable RoI pooling, based on the idea of augmenting the spatial and learning the offsets from the target tasks without supervision.

Research Objective

  • Application Area:
  • Purpose:

Proble Statement

previous work:

  • build the training datasets with sufficient desired variations by augmenting the existing data samples. expensive training and complex model parameters.
  • use transformation-invariant features and algorithm. (SIFT and sliding window based object detection paradigm)
  • Sparial Transform Networks (STN): learn spatial transformation from data, it warps the feature map via a gloval parametric transformation such as affine transformation.
  • Active Convolution: it augments the sampling locations in the convolution with offsets and learns the offsets via back-propagation end-to-end. ps: 1. it shares the offsets all over the different spatial locations. 2. the offsets are static model parameters that are learnt per task or per training.
  • Effective Receptive Field: the pixels near the center have much larger impact, the effective receptive field only occupies a small fraction of the theoretical receptive field and ahs a Gaussian distribution.
  • Atrous convolution: it increases a normal filter’s stride to be larger than 1 an dkeeps th eoriginal weights at sparsified sampling locations.
  • Deformable Part Models: learn the spatial deformation of object parts to maximize the classification score.
  • Spatial manipulation in RoI pooling: spatial pyramid pooling uses hand crafted pooling regions over scales.
  • Transformation invariant features and their learning: SIFT, ORB.
  • Combination of low level filters: Gaussian filters and its smooth derivatives are widely used to extract low level image structures such as corners, edges, T-junction.


  • system overview:

Dilated conv

(a) 普通卷积,1-dilated convolution,卷积核的感受野为3×3

(b) 扩张卷积,2-dilated convolution,卷积核的感受野为7×7

(c) 扩张卷积,4-dilated convolution,卷积核的感受野为15×15

  • (a): regular sampling grid(green points) of stardard convolution
  • (b): deformed sampling locations (dark blue points) with augmented offsets (light blue arraws) in deformable convolution.
  • (c)(d): deformable convolution generalizes various transformations for scale, aspect ratio and rotation.

Deformable Convolution

res5a_branch2a_relu = mx.symbol.Activation(name='res5a_branch2a_relu', data=scale5a_branch2a, act_type='relu')
res5a_branch2b_offset = mx.symbol.Convolution(name='res5a_branch2b_offset', data = res5a_branch2a_relu,
                                              num_filter=72, pad=(2, 2), kernel=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), dilate=(2, 2), cudnn_off=True)
res5a_branch2b = mx.contrib.symbol.DeformableConvolution(name='res5a_branch2b', data=res5a_branch2a_relu, offset=res5a_branch2b_offset,
                                                         num_filter=512, pad=(2, 2), kernel=(3, 3), num_deformable_group=4,
                                                         stride=(1, 1), dilate=(2, 2), no_bias=True)

Deformable RoI pooling

def get_deformable_roipooling(self, name, data, rois, output_dim, spatial_scale, param_name, group_size=1, pooled_size=7,
                              sample_per_part=4, part_size=7):
    offset = mx.contrib.sym.DeformablePSROIPooling(name='offset_' + name + '_t', data=data, rois=rois, group_size=group_size, pooled_size=pooled_size,
                                                   sample_per_part=sample_per_part, no_trans=True, part_size=part_size, output_dim=output_dim,
    offset = mx.sym.FullyConnected(name='offset_' + name, data=offset, num_hidden=part_size * part_size * 2, lr_mult=0.01,
                                   weight=self.shared_param_dict['offset_' + param_name + '_weight'], bias=self.shared_param_dict['offset_' + param_name + '_bias'])
    offset_reshape = mx.sym.Reshape(data=offset, shape=(-1, 2, part_size, part_size), name='offset_reshape_' + name)
    output = mx.contrib.sym.DeformablePSROIPooling(name='deformable_roi_pool_' + name, data=data, rois=rois, trans=offset_reshape, group_size=group_size,
                                                   pooled_size=pooled_size, sample_per_part=sample_per_part, no_trans=False, part_size=part_size, output_dim=output_dim,
                                                   spatial_scale=spatial_scale, trans_std=0.1)
    return output
  • sampling using a regular grid R over the input feature map x; the grid R defines the receptive field size and dilation.
  • summation of sampled values weighted by w.
