
A GAN has three primary components: a generator model for generating new data, a discriminator model for classifying whether generated data are real faces, or fake, and the adversarial network that pits them against each other.

The problem of generating a new image of dog is equivalent to the problem of generating a new vector following the “dog probability distribution” over the N dimensional vector space. So we are, in fact, facing a problem of generating a random variable with respect to a specific probability distribution.

1. Converge

  • Generative part : is responsible for taking N-dimensional uniform random variables (noise) as input and generating fake faces. The generator captures the probability P(X), where X is the input.

During generator training, we use the generator loss, which penalizes the generator for failing to fool the discriminator and generating a face that the discriminator classifies as fake. The discriminator is frozen during generator training and only generator’s weights are updated through backpropagation.

  • Discriminative part : is a simple classifier that evaluates and distinguished the generated faces from true celebrity faces. The discriminator captures the conditional probability P(Y|X), where X is the input and Y is the label*.*

During discriminator training, we ignore the generator loss and just use the discriminator loss, which penalizes the discriminator for misclassifying real faces as fake or generated faces as real. The generator’s weights are updated through backpropagation. Generator’s weights are not updated.

2. Training Steps

  1. select a number of real images from the training set;

  2. generate a number of fake images, by sampling random noise vectors and creating images from them using generator;

     # 随机生成均匀分布,上下边界为1和-1,输出Batch_size×100个样本
     noise = np.random.uniform(-1,1,size=(Batch_size,100))      
     image_batch = X_train[index * Batch_size:(index + 1) * Batch_size]
     generated_images = g.predict(noise, verbose=0)
  3. train the discriminator for one or more epochs using both fake and real images, and update only the discriminator’s weights by labeling all the real images as 1 and the fake images as 0;

    X = np.concatenate((image_batch,generated_images))
    y = [1] * Batch_size + [0] * Batch_size
    d_loss = d.train_on_batch(X,y)
  4. Generate another number of fake images;

     noise = np.random.uniform(-1,1,(Batch_size,100))
  5. train the full GAN model for one or more epochs using only fake images, and update only the generator’s weights by labeling all fake images as 1;

    d.trainable = False
    g_loss = d_on_g.train_on_batch(noise,[1]*Batch_size) 

3. VAE(Variational Autoencoders)

by making the latent space more predictable, more continuous, less sparse. By forcing latent variables to become normally distributed, VAEs gain control over the latent space. Dataset

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Learning From:
