
1. Project
1. Chirpstack
2. aws-iot-core-lorawan
3. OpenMQTTGateway
2. Paper
.1. Network
- Correlation between weather and signal strength in LoRaWAN networks: An extensive dataset. Comput. Networks 202CCF B
- DaRe: Data Recovery Through Application Layer Coding for LoRaWAN. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 21(3)CCF A
- Attack-aware Synchronization-free Data Timestamping in LoRaWAN. ACM Trans. Sens. Networks 18(1)CCF B
- Impact of Energy Consumption Attacks on LoRaWAN-Enabled Devices in Industrial Context. CCS 2020CCF A
- Leveraging fairness in LoRaWAN: A novel scheduling scheme for collision avoidance. Comput. Networks 186CCF B
- Capture Aware Sequential Waterfilling for LoRaWAN Adaptive Data Rate. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 20(3)CCF B
- A Survey on LoRa Networking: Research Problems, Current Solutions, and Open Issues. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials 22(1)CCF none
.2. Sensing
- The Feasibility of Dense Indoor LoRaWAN Towards Passively Sensing Human Presence. PerCom 2021CCF B
- LoRaMoto: A communication system to provide safety awareness among civilians after an earthquake. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 115CCF C
- Deep Tiered Image Segmentation for Detecting Internal ICE Layers in Radar Imagery. ICME 2021CCF B
- Perception! Immersion! Empowerment! Superpowers as Inspiration for Visualization
- OwLL: Accurate LoRa Localization using the TV Whitespaces. IPSN 2021CCF B
- Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification for LoRa Using Deep Learning. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 39(8)CCF A
- Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification for LoRa Using Spectrogram and CNN. INFOCOM 2021CCF A
- DeepLoRa: Fingerprinting LoRa Devices at Scale Through Deep Learning and Data Augmentation. MobiHoc 2021CCF B
- SateLoc: A Virtual Fingerprinting Approach to Outdoor LoRa Localization using Satellite Images. IPSN 2020CCF B
- Exploring LoRa for Long-range Through-wall Sensing. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
- Unlocking the Beamforming Potential of LoRa for Long-range Multi-target Respiration Sensing. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
- Drone-aided Localization in LoRa IoT Networks. ICRA 2020CCF B
- Sense Me on the Ride: Accurate Mobile Sensing over a LoRa Backscatter Channel. SenSys 2021CCF B``
- Combating interference for long range LoRa sensing. SenSys 2020CCF B
- Combining LoRa and RTK to achieve a high precision self-sustaining geo-localization system: poster abstract. IPSN 2018CCF B
- Throughput, Coverage and Scalability of LoRa LPWAN for Internet of Things. IWQoS 2018CCF B
- Air quality assessment system based on self-driven drone and LoRaWAN network. Comput. CommunCCF C
.3. Security
- A LoRa-Based Lightweight Secure Access Enhancement System. Secur. Commun. Networks 2021CCF C
- A Novel Model-Based Security Scheme for LoRa Key Generation. IPSN 2021CCF B
- A novel Dual-Blockchained structure for contract-theoretic LoRa-based information systems. Inf. Process. Manag. 58(3)CCF B
- ChirpOTLE: a framework for practical LoRaWAN security evaluation. WISEC 2020CCF C code
.4. CTC
- Enabling Cross-technology Communication from LoRa to ZigBee via Payload Encoding in Sub-1 GHz Bands. ACM Trans. Sens. Networks 18(1)CCF B
- LoRaBee: Cross-Technology Communication from LoRa to ZigBee via Payload Encoding. ICNP 2019CCF B
- LoFi: Enabling 2.4GHz LoRa and WiFi Coexistence by Detecting Extremely Weak Signals. INFOCOM 2021CCF A
- BLE2LoRa: Cross-Technology Communication from Bluetooth to LoRa via Chirp Emulation. SECON 2020CCF B
- An Open-Source LoRa Physical Layer Prototype on GNU Radio. SPAWC 2020code
- Concurrent Transmission and Multiuser Detection of LoRa Signals. CoRR abs/2111.10022