1. 物体检测 .1. 流体 D. V. Q. Rodrigues, D. Rodriguez and C. Li, “Liquid Aerosol Detection Based on Sub-THz Portable Doppler Radars,” 2020 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 2020, pp. 504-506, doi: 10.1109/APMC47863.2020.9331483. [pdf] Bala B S, Swetha M, Tamilarasi M, et al. Survey on women safety using IOT[J]. International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends, 2018, 5(2): 16-24. [pdf] .2. 材质分类
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1.沟通不是辩论 聊天偶尔伴随一些争议,如果不是必要的是非,大可把无谓的胜利让给对方。 懂得认输的人往往都很懂说话,偏执于输赢的人在他人眼中往往
声音以波的形式传播,即声波(Sound Wave)。当我们以波的视角来理解声音时,却又大繁若简起来:仅凭频率(Frequency)、幅度(Ma
1. install jdk_tomcat #!/bin/bash base_dir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")";pwd) JDK_FILE=$(ls | grep jdk-*-linux-*.tar.gz) TOMCAT_FILE=$(ls | grep apache-tomcat-*.tar.gz) #下载JDK download(){ os_version=`uname -a` echo $os_version architecture="64" echo "$os_version" | grep -q "$architecture" if [ $? -eq 0 ] then # 不存在即去外网下载jdk文件 if [ ! -f "$JDK_FILE" ]; then echo "您正
This week i get a summary knowledge of NLP, and learn some direction for further learning. And in this blog, i will record what i learned this weak by searching some information on Internet, the content is organized as follows: the Preparatory knowledge which need to be master in the following years, and some direction in NLP areas from model sides, application sides and the scene task, and some paper