Ziye Yang, James R. Harris, Benjamin Walker, Daniel Verkamp, Changpeng Liu, Cunyin Chang, Gang Cao, Jonathan Stern, Vishal Verma, Luse E. Paul:SPDK: A Development Kit to Build High Performance Storage Applications. CloudCom 2017: 154-161
Paper: SPDK provide a set of tools and libraries for writing high performance, scalable, user-mode strong applications. achieves high performance by moving the necessary drivers into user space and operating them in a polled mode instead of interrupt mode and lockless resource access.
Paper: Weakly-Supervised Physically Unconstrained Gaze Estimation 本次工作所探讨的问题是从人类互动的视频中进行弱监督的视线估计,基本原理是利用人们在进行 “相互注视”(LA
Transmitter: The radar transmitter produces the short duration high-power rf pulses of energy that are into space by the antenna. Duplexer: The duplexer alternately switches the antenna between the transmitter and receiver so that only one antenna need be used. This switching is necessary because the high-power pulses of the transmitter would destroy the receiver if energy were allowed to enter the receiver. Receiver:The receivers amplify and demodulate the received
1. Super-resolution Wang, Jiaming, et al. “Unsupervised Remote Sensing Super-Resolution via Migration Image Prior.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.03579 (2021).论文链接 项目链接 文章提出一个全新的无监督学习框架:MIP",可以在没有低/高分辨率
一、系统简介 RFID是一种通信技术,可通过无线电信号识别特定目标并读写相关数据,而无需识别系统与 特定目标之间建立机械或光学接触。因此,RFI
1. PowerShell # 查看powershell 版本 get-host $host.version # 新建目录 #当前目录新建文件 new-item FILENAME.xxx -type file #当前目录新建文件夹 new-item DIRECTORYNAME -type directory #在指定目录新建 new-item TARGETDIR FILENAME.xxx -type file # 重命名 #把