操作系统大致分为 2 大阵营,分别是 Windows 阵营和类 Unix 阵营(包括 Unix、Linux、Mac OS、安卓等)。通常情况下,Windows 系统下用户更习惯
Zhu Q, Deng W, Zheng Z, et al. A Spectral-Spatial-Dependent Global Learning Framework for Insufficient and Imbalanced Hyperspectral Image Classification[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021. code [pdf]
Paper: Summary a spectral-spatial dependent global learning (SSDGL) framework based on global convolutional long short-term memory (GCL) and global joint attention mechanism (GJAM) is proposed for insufficient and imbalanced HSI classification. in SSDGL, the hierarchically balanced(H-B) sampling strategy and the weighted softmax loss are proposed to address the imbalanced sample problem.
构建高性能、低时延的各种 Java 中间件,例如 MQ、分布式服务框架、ESB 消息总线等,Netty 主要作为基础通信框架提供高性能、低时延的通信服务; 公
Rückert D, Franke L, Stamminger M. ADOP: Approximate Differentiable One-Pixel Point Rendering[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.06635, 2021. pdf code star 538 Paper: ADOP Summary present a novel point-based, differentiable neural rendering pipeline for scene refinement and novel view synthesis. the point cloud rendering is performed by a differentiable renderer using multi-resolution one-pixel point rasterization. after rendering , the neural image pyramid is passed through a
网络数据的基本单位总是字节。Java NIO 提供了ByteBuffer 作为它的字节容器,但是这个类使用起来过于复杂,而且也有些繁琐。Netty 的B
Double.floatValue(), Double.doubleValue() 是准确的,但是Float.doubleValue()是不准确的, 单精度转双精度的时候,双精度会对单精度进行补位。导致出现偏差。 Float f=new Float(14.1); System.out.println(f.floatValue()); System.out.println(f.doubleValue());