1. 解码器 解码器是负责将入站数据从一种格式转换到另一种格式的,所以Netty 的解码器实现了ChannelInboundHandler。 .1. ByteToMessageDecoder 由于
学习链接: https://juejin.cn/post/6999225608341291039#heading-6 还是得通过实战,自己来读一下代码,了解背后的实现机制。 1. Unsafe .1. Java JDK .2.netty Unsafe接口中定义了socket相关操作,包括Socket
2D planar grasp means that the target object lies on a plane workspace and the grasp is constrained from one direction. The essential information is simplified from 6D into 3D, which are the 2D in-plane positions and 1D rotation angle. There exist methods of evaluating grasp contact points and methods of evaluating grasp oriented rectangles. 6DoF grasp means that the gripper can grasp the object from various angles in the
Tian Y, Zhang Y, Fu Y, et al. Tdan: Temporally-deformable alignment network for video super-resolution[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2020: 3360-3369. Paper: Tdan Summary propose a temporally-deformable alignment network(TDAN) to adaptively align the reference frame and each supporting frame a the feature level without computing optical flow. use features from both the reference frame and each supporting frame to dynamically predict offsets of sampling
1. usage Step 1. Install and run CompreFace using our Getting Started guide Step 2. sign up for the system and log in. Step 3. Create an application (left section) using the “Create” link at the bottom of the page. An application is where you can create and manage your Face Collections. Step 4. Enter your application by clicking on its name. Here you will have two options: you can