Suárez, Iago, et al. “BEBLID: Boosted efficient binary local image descriptor.” Pattern Recognition Letters 133 (2020): 366-372. Paper: BEBLID: Summary BEBLID, an efficient learned binary image descriptor; achieves an accuracy close to SIFT and better computational efficiency than ORB. BEBLID details: use the integral image to efficiently compute the difference between the mean gray values in a pair of square image regions. use the
Make sure you have installed the NVIDIA driver and Docker engine for your Linux distribution Note that you do not need to install the CUDA Toolkit on the host system, but the NVIDIA driver needs to be installed NVIDIA 于 2016 年开始设计 NVIDIA-Docker 已便于容器使用 NVIDIA GPUs。 第一代 nvidia-docker1.0 实现了对 docker client
1. TODO Tree 某块代码需要修改,或者某块代码需要以后进一步完善,如果能够给它做一个标记,那么后续定位到对应位置是一件非常轻松高效的事情。 2. vscode-icons 不仅能够
Ahsan, H., Prabhu, A., Deeksha, S. D., Domanal, S. G., Ashwin, T. S., & Reddy, G. R. M. (2014, August). Vision based laser controlled keyboard system for the disabled. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (pp. 200-203).
Paper: Keyboard Summary design one such unistroke keyboard system with optimized character placement based on frequenctly used digraphs and trigraphs. Module Calibration: purpose: the angle and position of the keyboard can change every time it’s set up, so its necessary to know how the exact position and size of the captured keyboard; Methods: Input: a captured frame; set of points representing the corners of the keyboard; convert captured frame to hsv; define the range for blue color detection; get the contours that lie within the range; filter the contours based on area; store the center of each of these contours; calibrate the keyboard angle; Calibrate keyboard angle: input: set of points representing the corners of the keyboard; output: the calibrated keyboard; sort all the points according to x distance; divide sorted points into 3 parts as: left(0-6), mid(7-14), right(15-21) each part: sort based on y distance; sort consecutive pairs of points based x distance; Tracker the laser: using the average of a fixed number of frames to represent the position; CamK: Camera-based Keystroke Detection and Localization for Small Mobile Devices.
单片机的烧录方式主要可以分为三种,分别为ICP(在电路编程)、IAP(在应用编程)以及ISP(在系统编程)。 ICP(In Circuit Programing)在电路