RFIDAttackSurvey liudongdong1 收录于 Categories AIOT 2020-09-07 约 2203 字 预计阅读 5 分钟 - 次阅读 目录 1. Information transmission 2. Data authenticity 3. Information and user privacy disclosure 4. Data confidentiality 1. Reverse Engineering 2. Power Analysis 3. Eavesdropping & Replay(窃听,重播) 重点了解 4. Man-in-the-Middle Attack or Sniffing 5. Denial of Service 6. Cloning&Spoofing(cheat) 7. Viruses 8. Tracking 9. Insert Attack 9. Physical Attack 2.1. Reader to cable 2.2. Cable to Antenna 2.3. Attenna to Tag&back 3.1. Capacitive Coupling(电容耦合) 3.2. Close Coupling(紧密耦合) 3.3. Inductive Coupling(电感耦合) 3.4. Radiative Coupling(辐射耦合) 4.1. Law Enforcement 4.2. Manufacturing 4.3. Education 4.4. Business Environments 4.5. Healthcare 4.5.RTLS 5.1. EPCGlobal Tag Classes 5.2. ISO 18000 5.3. Anti-Collision 重新加密