
TFlearn is a modular and transparent deep learning library built on top of Tensorflow. It was designed to provide a higher-level API to TensorFlow in order to facilitate and speed-up experimentations, while remaining fully transparent and compatible with it.

1. layers

File Layers
core input_data, fully_connected, dropout, custom_layer, reshape, flatten, activation, single_unit, highway, one_hot_encoding, time_distributed
conv conv_2d, conv_2d_transpose, max_pool_2d, avg_pool_2d, upsample_2d, conv_1d, max_pool_1d, avg_pool_1d, residual_block, residual_bottleneck, conv_3d, max_pool_3d, avg_pool_3d, highway_conv_1d, highway_conv_2d, global_avg_pool, global_max_pool
recurrent simple_rnn, lstm, gru, bidirectionnal_rnn, dynamic_rnn
embedding embedding
normalization batch_normalization, local_response_normalization, l2_normalize
merge merge, merge_outputs
estimator regression
tflearn.conv_2d(x, 32, 5, activation='relu', name='conv1')

2. build-in Op

File Ops
activations linear, tanh, sigmoid, softmax, softplus, softsign, relu, relu6, leaky_relu, prelu, elu
objectives softmax_categorical_crossentropy, categorical_crossentropy, binary_crossentropy, mean_square, hinge_loss, roc_auc_score, weak_cross_entropy_2d
optimizers SGD, RMSProp, Adam, Momentum, AdaGrad, Ftrl, AdaDelta
metrics Accuracy, Top_k, R2
initializations zeros, uniform, uniform_scaling, normal, truncated_normal, xavier, variance_scaling
losses l1, l2
# Activation and Regularization inside a layer:
fc2 = tflearn.fully_connected(fc1, 32, activation='tanh', regularizer='L2')
# Equivalent to:
fc2 = tflearn.fully_connected(fc1, 32)
tflearn.add_weights_regularization(fc2, loss='L2')
fc2 = tflearn.tanh(fc2)

# Optimizer, Objective and Metric:
reg = tflearn.regression(fc4, optimizer='rmsprop', metric='accuracy', loss='categorical_crossentropy')
# Ops can also be defined outside, for deeper customization:
momentum = tflearn.optimizers.Momentum(learning_rate=0.1, weight_decay=0.96, decay_step=200)
top5 = tflearn.metrics.Top_k(k=5)
reg = tflearn.regression(fc4, optimizer=momentum, metric=top5, loss='categorical_crossentropy')

3. Trainning, Evaluating&Predicting

network = ... (some layers) ...
network = regression(network, optimizer='sgd', loss='categorical_crossentropy')

model = DNN(network), Y)
network = ...
model = DNN(network)

4. Visualization

  • 0: Loss & Metric (Best speed).
  • 1: Loss, Metric & Gradients.
  • 2: Loss, Metric, Gradients & Weights.
  • 3: Loss, Metric, Gradients, Weights, Activations & Sparsity (Best Visualization).
model = DNN(network, tensorboard_verbose=3)

#tensorboard --logdir='/tmp/tflearn_logs'          #shell command

5. Persistence

# Save a model'my_model.tflearn')
# Load a model

# Let's create a layer
fc1 = fully_connected(input_layer, 64, name="fc_layer_1")
# Using Tensor attributes (Layer will supercharge the returned Tensor with weights attributes)
fc1_weights_var = fc1.W
fc1_biases_var = fc1.b
# Using Tensor name
fc1_vars = tflearn.get_layer_variables_by_name("fc_layer_1")
fc1_weights_var = fc1_vars[0]
fc1_biases_var = fc1_vars[1]

input_data = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, 784])
fc1 = tflearn.fully_connected(input_data, 64)
fc2 = tflearn.fully_connected(fc1, 10, activation='softmax')
net = tflearn.regression(fc2)
model = DNN(net)
# Get weights values of fc2
# Assign new random weights to fc2
model.set_weights(fc2.W, numpy.random.rand(64, 10))

6. Fine-tuning

  • specify which layer’s weights you want to be restored or not (when loading pre-trained model).

  • share variables among multiple layers and make TFLearn suitable for distributed training. All layers with inner variables support a ‘scope’ argument to place variables under; layers with same scope name will then share the same weights.

# Weights will be restored by default.
fc_layer = tflearn.fully_connected(input_layer, 32)
# Weights will not be restored, if specified so.
fc_layer = tflearn.fully_connected(input_layer, 32, restore='False')

7. DataPreprocessing&Augmentation

# Real-time image preprocessing
img_prep = tflearn.ImagePreprocessing()
# Zero Center (With mean computed over the whole dataset)
# STD Normalization (With std computed over the whole dataset)

# Real-time data augmentation
img_aug = tflearn.ImageAugmentation()
# Random flip an image

# Add these methods into an 'input_data' layer
network = input_data(shape=[None, 32, 32, 3],


8.1. DNN

tflearn.models.dnn.DNN (network, clip_gradients=5.0, tensorboard_verbose=0, tensorboard_dir=’/tmp/tflearn_logs/’, checkpoint_path=None, best_checkpoint_path=None, max_checkpoints=None, session=None, best_val_accuracy=0.0)

  • network: Tensor. Neural network to be used.
  • tensorboard_verbose: int. Summary verbose level, it accepts different levels of tensorboard logs:
0: Loss, Accuracy (Best Speed).
1: Loss, Accuracy, Gradients.
2: Loss, Accuracy, Gradients, Weights.
3: Loss, Accuracy, Gradients, Weights, Activations, Sparsity.(Best visualization)
  • tensorboard_dir: str. Directory to store tensorboard logs. Default: “/tmp/tflearn_logs/”
  • checkpoint_path: str. Path to store model checkpoints. If None, no model checkpoint will be saved. Default: None.
  • best_checkpoint_path: str. Path to store the model when the validation rate reaches its highest point of the current training session and also is above best_val_accuracy. Default: None.
  • max_checkpoints: int or None. Maximum amount of checkpoints. If None, no limit. Default: None.
  • session: Session. A session for running ops. If None, a new one will be created. Note: When providing a session, variables must have been initialized already, otherwise an error will be raised.
  • best_val_accuracy: float The minimum validation accuracy that needs to be achieved before a model weight’s are saved to the best_checkpoint_path. This allows the user to skip early saves and also set a minimum save point when continuing to train a reloaded model. Default: 0.0.
.1.1. evaluate, load, save, predict
.1.2. Fit

fit (X_inputs, Y_targets, n_epoch=10, validation_set=None, show_metric=False, batch_size=None, shuffle=None, snapshot_epoch=True, snapshot_step=None, excl_trainops=None, validation_batch_size=None, run_id=None, callbacks=[])

  • X_inputs: array, list of array (if multiple inputs) or dict (with inputs layer name as keys). Data to feed to train model.
  • Y_targets: array, list of array (if multiple inputs) or dict (with estimators layer name as keys). Targets (Labels) to feed to train model.
  • n_epoch: int. Number of epoch to run. Default: None.
  • validation_set: tuple. Represents data used for validation. tuple holds data and targets (provided as same type as X_inputs and Y_targets). Additionally, it also accepts float (<1) to performs a data split over training data.
  • show_metric: bool. Display or not accuracy at every step.
  • batch_size: int or None. If int, overrides all network estimators ‘batch_size’ by this value. Also overrides validation_batch_size if int, and if validation_batch_size is None.
  • validation_batch_size: int or None. If int, overrides all network estimators ‘validation_batch_size’ by this value.
  • shuffle: bool or None. If bool, overrides all network estimators ‘shuffle’ by this value.
  • snapshot_epoch: bool. If True, it will snapshot model at the end of every epoch. (Snapshot a model will evaluate this model on validation set, as well as create a checkpoint if ‘checkpoint_path’ specified).
  • snapshot_step: int or None. If int, it will snapshot model every ‘snapshot_step’ steps.
  • excl_trainops: list of TrainOp. A list of train ops to exclude from training process (TrainOps can be retrieve through tf.get_collection_ref(tf.GraphKeys.TRAIN_OPS)).
  • run_id: str. Give a name for this run. (Useful for Tensorboard).
  • callbacks: Callback or list. Custom callbacks to use in the training life cycle

8.2. SGM

tflearn.models.generator.SequenceGenerator (network, dictionary=None, seq_maxlen=25, clip_gradients=0.0, tensorboard_verbose=0, tensorboard_dir=’/tmp/tflearn_logs/’, checkpoint_path=None, max_checkpoints=None, session=None)

  • network: Tensor. Neural network to be used.
  • dictionary: dict. A dictionary associating each sample with a key ( usually integers). For example: {‘a’: 0, ‘b’: 1, ‘c’: 2, …}.
  • seq_maxlen: int. The maximum length of a sequence.
  • tensorboard_verbose: int. Summary verbose level, it accepts different levels of tensorboard logs:
0 - Loss, Accuracy (Best Speed).
1 - Loss, Accuracy, Gradients.
2 - Loss, Accuracy, Gradients, Weights.
3 - Loss, Accuracy, Gradients, Weights, Activations, Sparsity.(Best visualization)
  • tensorboard_dir: str. Directory to store tensorboard logs. Default: “/tmp/tflearn_logs/”
  • checkpoint_path: str. Path to store model checkpoints. If None, no model checkpoint will be saved. Default: None.
  • max_checkpoints: int or None. Maximum amount of checkpoints. If None, no limit. Default: None.
  • session: Session. A session for running ops. If None, a new one will be created. Note: When providing a session, variables must have been initialized already, otherwise an error will be raised.
1.1. save, load, evaluate
1.2. fit

fit (X_inputs, Y_targets, n_epoch=10, validation_set=None, show_metric=False, batch_size=None, shuffle=None, snapshot_epoch=True, snapshot_step=None, excl_trainops=None, run_id=None)

  • X_inputs: array, list of array (if multiple inputs) or dict (with inputs layer name as keys). Data to feed to train model.
  • Y_targets: array, list of array (if multiple inputs) or dict (with estimators layer name as keys). Targets (Labels) to feed to train model. Usually set as the next element of a sequence, i.e. for x[0] => y[0] = x[1].
  • n_epoch: int. Number of epoch to run. Default: None.
  • validation_set: tuple. Represents data used for validation. tuple holds data and targets (provided as same type as X_inputs and Y_targets). Additionally, it also accepts float (<1) to performs a data split over training data.
  • show_metric: bool. Display or not accuracy at every step.
  • batch_size: int or None. If int, overrides all network estimators ‘batch_size’ by this value.
  • shuffle: bool or None. If bool, overrides all network estimators ‘shuffle’ by this value.
  • snapshot_epoch: bool. If True, it will snapshot model at the end of every epoch. (Snapshot a model will evaluate this model on validation set, as well as create a checkpoint if ‘checkpoint_path’ specified).
  • snapshot_step: int or None. If int, it will snapshot model every ‘snapshot_step’ steps.
  • excl_trainops: list of TrainOp. A list of train ops to exclude from training process (TrainOps can be retrieve through tf.get_collection_ref(tf.GraphKeys.TRAIN_OPS)).
  • run_id: str. Give a name for this run. (Useful for Tensorboard).
1.3. generate

generate (seq_length, temperature=0.5, seq_seed=None, display=False)


tensorboard –logdir=‘C:/Users/liudongdong/OneDrive -桌面/Alexnet/tmp’
