

level: CCF_A CVPR author: Amaia Salvador1(FaceBook Al Research) date: 2019 keyword:

  • image understanding; information retrieval

Salvador, Amaia, et al. “Inverse cooking: Recipe generation from food images.” Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019.

Paper: Inverse Cooking


  1. introduce an inverse cooking system that recreates cooking recipes given food images.
  2. predicts ingredients as sets by means of a novel architecture, modeling their dependencies without imposing any order, and then generates cooking instructions by attending to both image and its inferred ingredients simultaneously.
  3. for dataset constraints, generates a cooking recipe containing a title, ingredients, and cooking instructions directly from image.

Research Objective

  • Application Area: information retrieval, food image understand and recommendation.
  • Purpose: recognize the type of meal or its ingredients, but also understand its preparation process.

Proble Statement

  • food and its components have high intraclass variability and present heavy deformations that occur during cooking process.
  • ingredients are frequently occluded in a cooked dish and come in a variety of coloers, forms and textures;
  • visual ingredient detection requires high level reasoning and prior knowledge.

previous work:

  • Food Understanding: Food-101, Recipe1M datasets; with focus in image classification, estimating the number of calories given a food image, estimating food quantities, predicting the list of present ingredients and finding the recipe for a given image.
    • [34] provides a detailed corss-region analysis of food recipes, considering images, attributes and recipes, considering images, attributes and recipe ingredients.


  • Problem Formulation: generating a recip

  • system overview:

【Module One】Generating recipes from images



  • present an inverse cooking system, which generates cooking instructions conditioned on an image and its ingredients, exploring different attention strategies to reason about both modalities simultaneously.
  • exhaustively study ingredients as both a list and a set, and propose a new architecture for ingredient prediction that exploits co-dependencies among ingredients without imposing order.
  • ingredient prediction is indeed a difficult task and demonstrate the superiority of our proposed system against image-to-recipe retrieval approaches.

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  • 论文关键部分没有看完,看不懂

author: Valentin Gabeur, Chen Sun(Google Research) date: 2020 keyword:

  • retrieval, caption-to-video, video-to-caption

Gabeur, Valentin, Chen Sun, Karteek Alahari, and Cordelia Schmid. “Multi-modal Transformer for Video Retrieval.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.10639 (2020).

Paper: Multi-modal Transformer


  • Problem Formulation:
    • how to learn accurate representations of both caption and video to base our similarity estimation on?
    • video data varies in terms of appearance, motion, audio, overlaid text, and speech,etc;

given a dataset of $n$ video-caption pairs ${(v1, c1), …,(vn, cn)}$, the goal of the learnt similarity function $s(vi , cj )$, between video $vi$ and caption $cj$ , is to provide a high value if $i = j$, and a low one if $i != j$.

  • system overview:

【Module one】Video Representation $$ \Omega(v)=F(v)+E(v)+T(v) $$

【Module two】Caption Representation: obtain an embedding h(c) of the caption, and then project it with a function g into N different spaces as $\varphi=g*h$; $$ \varphi(c)={\varphi}{i=1}^N $$ 【Module three】Similarity estimation $$ s(v,c)=\sum{i=1}^Nw_i(c)(\varphi^i,\psi_{agg}^i)\ w_i(c)=e^{h(c)^Ta_i}/\sum^N_{j=1}e^{h(c)^Ta_j} $$

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