1. ModernWpf
2. CxFlatUI
winform控件, AlertBox, Button, CheckBox, DatePicker, GroupBox, NumericUpDown, PictureBox, ProgressBar, RadioButton, RoundButton, RoundProgressBar, SimpleButton, SliderBar, StatusBar, Switch, TabControl, Toggle
3. handUI
UI elements and prototyping tools for hands, contains examples of UI design for tracked hands in AR/VR featuring remote interaction, and some general hand-related components and utilities that I use for rapid prototyping. HandUI works with Leap Motion’s API.
- Hoop affordance for translating, rotating, and scaling a 3D model.
- Examples of far-range interaction via raycast direction & pinch. Static display of contextual information, sigle value drag ajustment, binary pinch-click to expand a more complex piece of UI.
- Non-physical near-range interaction with raycast and pinch.
- Parabolic extensions to increase reach over a large virtual map object.
4. AduSkin
一款简单漂亮的WPF UI,融合多个开源框架组件,为个人定制的UI,可供学者参考和使用。
5. SunnyUI
- 基于.Net Framework4.0,原生控件开发,参考 Element主题风格,包含 按钮、编辑框、下拉框、数据表格、工控仪表、统计图表在内的常用控件超过 70 个,满足常规开发需求,每个控件都精雕细琢,注重细节;
- 包含 Element 风格主题 11 个,其他主题 6 个,可通过多彩主题模式自定义主题。包含主题管理组件 UIStyleManager,可自由切换主题。