


Docker插件机制-架构&评价 Docker volumn 插件 名称 描述 地址 Azure File Storage plugin Lets you mount Microsoft Azure File Storage shares to Docker containers as volumes using the SMB 3.0 protocol. Learn more. dockervolumedriver BeeGFS Volume Plugin An open source volume plugin to create persistent volumes in a


Argobots pools with Margo RPCs #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <margo.h> #include <alpha-server.h> static void finalize_xstream_cb(void* data); int main(int argc, char** argv) { margo_instance_id mid = margo_init("tcp", MARGO_SERVER_MODE, 0, 0); assert(mid); margo_set_log_level(mid, MARGO_LOG_INFO); hg_addr_t my_address; margo_addr_self(mid, &my_address); char addr_str[128]; size_t addr_str_size = 128; margo_addr_to_string(mid, addr_str, &addr_str_size, my_address); margo_addr_free(mid,my_address); margo_info(mid, "Server running at address %s, with provider id 42", addr_str); ABT_pool pool; ABT_pool_create_basic( ABT_POOL_FIFO, ABT_POOL_ACCESS_SPSC, ABT_TRUE, &pool); ABT_xstream xstream; ABT_xstream_create_basic( ABT_SCHED_DEFAULT,


filesystem types: 文件系统类型 superblock: 整个文件系统的元信息 inode: 单个文件的元信息 dentry: 目录项,一个文件目录对应一个dentry file: 进程打开的一个文件 基于块设备的文件系统(


Mercury is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework specifically designed for use in High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems with high-performance fabrics. Objective & comparision Objective: Create a reusable RPC libraryfor use in HPC that can serve as a basis for services such as storage systems, I/O forwarding, analysis frameworks and other forms of inter-application communication 优势: takes advantage of low-level HPC network fabrics and facilitates the development of user-level


一个 Ceph 存储集群至少需要一个 Ceph Monitor(监视器)、Ceph Manager(管理) 和 Ceph OSD(对象存储守护进程)。 Monitors:Cep