


Condition Variable: a condition on which ULTs are waiting until it is signaled. Execution Stream (ES): a sequential instruction stream that contains one or more work units. Future: a mechanism for passing a value between work units, allowing a work unit to wait for a value that is set asynchronously. Handle: an opaque reference to an Argobots object. Mutex: a synchronization method to support mutual exclusion between work units. Object:


Paper: argobots SM1 in ES1 has one associated private pool, PM11, and SM2 in ES2 has two private pools, PM21 and PM22. PS is shared between ES1 and ES2, and thus both SM1 in ES1 and SM2 in ES2 can access the pool to push or pop work units. PE denotes an event pool. The event pool is meant for lightweight notification. It is periodically checked by a scheduler to


pmemlog_create() // 创建持久化的log内存 pmemlog_open() // 打开已创建的log内存 pmemlog_nbyte() // 获得某log内存内可以添加多少位的数据,而非多少条记录 pmemlog_append() // 向log内存中append


Write &Read PMEMobjpool pmemobj_create() // 创建持久化内存池 PMEMobjpool pmemobj_open() // 打开已创建的持久化内存池 PMEMoid pmemobj_root() // 得到持久化内存池的根节点 pmemobj_direct() // 得到根节点的指针 pmemobj_persist() // 将单变量进行持久化存储 pmemobj_memcpy_persist() // 将数

RPC 框架的可靠性设计 1. 背景 1.1 分布式调用引入的故障 在传统的单体架构中,业务服务调用都是本地方法调用,不会涉及到网络通信、协议栈、消息序列化和反序列化等,当使用 RPC